
Featured Story
August 26, 2024
  ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ News

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Beginning in May of 2007, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ has been in front of the California Air Resources Board's (CARB) effort to set and enforce stringent and steadily declining standards for emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) from off-road diesel engines already in use in the construction… Read More
June 22, 2010
WASHINGTON – OSHA announced today that the Severe Violators Enforcement Program directive is effective June 18th. The agency announced in April that it was implementing the program to focus on employers who continually disregard their legal obligations to protect their workers. OSHA’s SVEP focuses… Read More
June 21, 2010
Construction employment declined in 25 states between April and May and in 45 states between May 2009 and 2010, according to a new analysis of federal data released Friday by ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½. Construction employment will remain weak despite the short-term stimulus while private, state and local demand for… Read More
June 21, 2010
Public and commercial building contractors beware and take action to help shape a future lead paint rule.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has started to develop lead-safe work practices and other requirements that may well apply to renovation and remodeling activities both on the… Read More
June 21, 2010
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Wage and Hour Division has issued a final rule to revise the Fair Labor Standards Act as it pertains to workers under age 18. It will place a few more restrictions on tasks that cannot be performed by 16- and 17-year-olds working in construction but leaves in… Read More
June 21, 2010
According to ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½'s Chief Economist Ken Simonson, construction employment rose for the second straight month, up .2 percent, or 14,000 jobs.  Total construction employment in April was down nine percent for the same month last year, and April construction unemployment was also up to 21.8 percent,… Read More
June 21, 2010
More progress on the Buy American front this week as yet another agency recognized the complex impact these Recovery Act rules have on projects. The Indian Health Service (IHS) issued a nationwide di minimis waiver for incidental components of sanitation facilities construction projects funded by… Read More
June 21, 2010
Three of the five rules from the Federal Acquisition Regulation Councils that govern the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act were released this week. Final versions of the rules governing GAO/IG access to contractors and their employees, whistleblower protections, and publicizing contract… Read More
June 21, 2010
More progress on the Buy American front this week as yet another agency recognized the complex impact these Recovery Act rules have on projects. The Indian Health Service (IHS) issued a nationwide di minimis waiver for incidental components of sanitation facilities construction projects funded by… Read More
June 21, 2010
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CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYMENT DECLINES IN 25 STATES BETWEEN APRIL AND MAY AS STIMULUS OUTWEIGHED BY WEAK PRIVATE, STATE & LOCAL DEMAND Louisiana Adds Most Jobs During Past Month, Hawaii Adds Highest Percentage; While Most Construction Jobs Are Lost in New York and Wyoming Experiences Highest Monthly… Read More
June 18, 2010