New York and Vermont Record Worst February-November Losses, While Virginia Has Largest Pickup; California, Nevada Have Worst One-Month Job Losses, While Texas and Delaware Post Biggest Gains

On December 15, President-elect Joe Biden nominated former Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg to become the next Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). As one of the few candidates in the presidential field to introduce a full infrastructure plan, Buttigieg supported transitioning the nation from the current motor fuels tax to a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) user fee. ѻý looks forward to learning more about Mayor Buttigieg’s vision for USDOT during his Senate confirmation hearing and, if confirmed, looks forward to working with his Department to rebuild our nation’s infrastructure.

ѻý Supports Employer Right to Maintain Safe, Drug-Free Workplaces

ѻý is taking a quick temperature check on the current healthcare policy landscape in the construction industry.
Addresses Americans with Disabilities Act & Other Legal Concerns for Employers

The EEOC has released COVID-19 vaccination-related guidance, including information about employer-mandated vaccinations for employees.
On December 14, the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW), of which ѻý is an active member, filed comments supporting the Department of Labor’s proposed rule on financial disclosure reports that unions annually must file with the Department’s Office of Labor-Management Standards. The proposed rule would expand the disclosures that unions must report on Form LM-2 and would require larger unions to file a new Forum LM-2 Long Form.
ѻý In-House Environmental Managers Meeting, Feb. 9, 2021 ѻý is pleased to offer a virtual roundtable discussion exclusively for in-house environmental managers at general construction firms.  The In-House Environmental Managers virtual meeting will be held on February 9, 2021. The meeting will include online morning and afternoon sessions starting from 11 am to 1 pm Eastern Time, followed by an offline break, and resuming from 2 pm to 3 pm Eastern Time.