WebEd:The Fair Pay & Safe Workplaces (Blacklisting) Executive Order: What Federal Construction Contractors Need to Know Now

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On August 25, the federal government added more mines to the minefield that is the federal construction marketplace. On that day, the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Council and U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released a final rule and guidance, respectively, to implement the “Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces” Executive Order 13673, called the Blacklisting Executive Order (EO). Under the rule and guidance, both prime and subcontractors must report violations of 14 federal labor laws before contract award and again every six months after contract award, on federal contracts exceeding $500,000, among other things. Portions of this new rule take effect as soon as October 25, 2016.

Please join ѻý’s Regulatory Counsel Jimmy Christianson and Smith Currie federal construction attorneys and for an in-depth presentation on this executive order covering the:

  • ѻý's efforts to fight this Executive Order through legislative, regulatory and legal means
  • Prime Contractor and Subcontractor Labor Violation Reporting Requirements
  • The Possibility for Defacto Debarment through “Responsibility” Determinations
  • Risks of Entering Labor Compliance Agreements with Enforcement Agencies
  • Paycheck Transparency Mandate
  • Changes to Worker Arbitration Agreements, and more


Jimmy Christianson
Regulatory Counsel 

ѻý of America

Doug Tabeling

Smith, Currie & Hancock

Brian Wood
Of Counsel 
Smith, Currie & Hancock

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