
The Congressional Budget Office today released its semiannual projections for Highway Trust Fund balances which are based on their assumptions about revenue and outlays. These estimates make no assumptions or projections about the results of the current reauthorization process. Instead, the estimate simply assumes contract authority at current levels and uses inflation factors on the obligation limitation (actual funding).
House and Senate negotiators on the long-awaited final Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization bill have reached an agreement. Details of the conference agreement are not yet available. Senate Aviation subcommittee chairman John D. Rockefeller (D-WVa) issued a statement which says the conference agreement is a bill lasting four fiscal years (the remainder of FY 2012 plus FYs 2013, 2014 and 2015) with, "Annual funding for FAA's programs are consistent with the FY 2012 appropriated levels for the next four years." The Airport Improvement Program has contract authority of $3.35 billion per year.
With only 66 days remaining until the expiration of the latest highway and transit authorization extension, today ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ kicked-off a comprehensive grassroots and communications campaign asking Congress to take action on a reauthorization bill before March 31, 2012.
Work on an authorization bill for highway and transit funding continues in both the House and Senate.  The current extension of the authorization expires on March 31. The authorization still faces many obstacles in both chambers, however, this is the closest Congress has come to passing a transportation bill since the current authorization (SAFETEA-LU) expired on Sep. 30, 2009.
An agreement between House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) over a 2010 National Mediation Board (NMB) rule, that changed procedures for airline and rail workers' union elections, has opened the way for final agreement on long-term Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization legislation. With the latest extension of FAA authorization set to expire on Jan. 31, the House approved an extension of FAA authorization through Feb.17, the 23rd extension, and the Senate is expected to follow suit.
The House today passed an extension of FAA authorization, the 23rd extension, and the Senate is expected to follow suit as early as tonight. The extension carries the program through February 17. The extension allows the conferees time to resolve the remaining differences between the House and Senate passed versions of the bill. This is a shorter period than had originally been discussed because Chairman Mica believes the remaining issues can be resolved quickly and passed by both chambers. 
Reauthorization of federal surface transportation programs is the closest it has been to moving forward in both the House and Senate since the current authorization (SAFETEA-LU) expired on Sep. 30, 2009, but still faces obstacles in each chamber.
With Congress returning next week for the second session of the 112th Congress, two major infrastructure authorization bills are in position to move through the House of Representatives and the Senate.  Current extensions of authorizations covering the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Federal highways and transit programs expire in the first quarter of 2012, with the FAA expiring on January 31 and highways and transit on March 31.
With only 73 days remaining until the expiration of the latest highway and transit authorization extension, today ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ kicked-off a comprehensive grassroots and communications campaign asking Congress to take action on a reauthorization bill before March 31, 2012.
With only 80 days remaining until the expiration of the latest highway and transit authorization extension, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ is kicking-off a comprehensive grassroots and communications campaign asking Congress to take action on a reauthorization bill before March 31, 2012.