
Denver Event Shows How Card Check Hurts Union and Non-Union Construction Workers

ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ CEO Steve Sandherr, Dave Ivis, executive vice president of GE Johnson, and Kevin Fone, project superintendent, pose for a Denver Post photographer.

ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½Â hosted an event in Denver this week and detailed how the proposed "Card Check" legislation currently being debated in Washington poses real risks for the nation's union construction workers.
ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ CEO Steve Sandherr explained how provisions in the bill, known as the Employee Free Choice Act, required federal arbitrators to settle all but the briefest of contract negotiations. Having Washington-appointed officials set final contract terms for individual companies would make it harder to maintain collective bargaining, which is a central benefit of unionized construction, he said. Sandherr spoke at a union construction site for a new hospital outside of Denver. Read coverage from and . For more information, contact Brian Turmail at (703) 837-5310 or