
Legislation to Change the H2B Visa Program Expected

Draft legislation to change the H2B Visa program has been circulated and is expected to be introduced in the House at the end of April. The H2B Visa is currently the only visa available to the construction industry to bring in workers from outside the U.S. It is a visa that is shared with numerous other industries with only 66,000 permitted each year. Though the industry may not have as much of a need for these visas at the current time, the changes being suggested would have a huge impact on the program for years to come should this bill be passed into law. The legislation that is expected to be introduced would make it much more difficult for the construction industry to be able to qualify for such visas. Companies would have to register with the Department of Labor, prove the seasonal nature of the job they are seeking, gather written certification from labor unions that there are not sufficient U.S. workers available, follow a myriad of new labor requirements and ultimately would be unable to participate if they subcontract. ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ will remain in conversations with appropriate Capitol Hill staff as debate moves forward on this expected legislation.