
EPA Presents 2010 Budget to House Appropriations Committee

On May 19, 2009, U.S. EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson testified before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies to defend EPA's FY 2010 budget blueprint.   Unlike many other federal and federally-assisted construction accounts, the EPA's FY 2010 budget includes significant increases for clean and drinking water infrastructure. EPA has budgeted $3.9 billion to maintain and improve outdated water infrastructure including $2.4 billion for clean water and $1.5 billion for drinking water. The budget also includes $636,317 for categorical grants to states and tribes for water programs.  Additional budget highlights include a $475 million multi-agency Great Lakes Initiative to protect and clean up the largest fresh water lakes in the world through restoration efforts, invasive species control, non-point source pollution mitigation and critical habitats protection. The budget also includes funding for crucial efforts to protect, maintain and restore the Chesapeake Bay and Anacostia River, Puget Sound, San Francisco Bay, Lake Champlain and other large water bodies.