
House and Senate Discussing Future of Transportation Program

Discussions continued between the House and Senate this week on the best way to fix the $8 billion shortfall in transportation funding for fiscal 2009, fix the $10 billion shortfall in fiscal 2010 funding and extend the SAFETEA-LU programs beyond their September 30, 2009 expiration date. The House announced plans to markup a bill to fix the 2009 shortfall this month, while the Senate plans to move their bill the week of July 20 that will address both the 2009 and 2010 shortfalls and SAFETEA-LU extension.  Both bodies are determined to pass their bills in July. The House Transportation Committee has postponed plans to move the six-year authorization this month, but will hold a hearing. ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ continues to review the subcommittee-passed version of the six-year bill and will be working with both congressional and industry allies to improve the multi-year package.