
“RIFs, Lay-Offs & Furloughs in Construction: Avoiding the Pitfalls” Webinar

webinar will be held August 13, 2009 from 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM ET.   Construction HR professionals have been burdened with the responsibility of properly handling reductions-in-force (RIFs), lay-offs and furloughs, sometimes at a moment’s notice. These situations can be difficult to handle legally, practically and emotionally. Labor and employment law attorney Bert Brannen of Fisher & Phillips, LLP, and construction-industry HR expert and consultant Doug Mure will take a tag-team approach to explaining the legal, practical and emotional aspects that HR professionals in the construction industry are faced with and how to avoid the pitfalls when forced to release employees.  and receive “When You Have to Release an Employee” DVD FREE (Retail: $150). This DVD describes the legal challenges associated with handling involuntary terminations caused by misconduct and poor performance. It explains the good habits that can help a company avoid losses, provides a six-point checklist, and gives specific answers to several of the most commonly asked questions. (Please allow 4-6 weeks after the webinar for delivery.)