
Senate Vacancy Temporarily Filled in Massachusetts

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick appointed Paul Kirk as the late Sen. Ted Kennedy's interim replacement. The appointment will last only until January 19, 2010, at which time a special election will be held in Massachusetts to fill the seat for the remainder of Kennedy's term. Kirk, a long-time friend of Kennedy and former Democratic National Committee chairman, is not expected to run for election during the special election. The appointment comes on the heels of the Massachusetts legislature changing state law to allow for an interim senator. Kirk's appointment is an important development because it gives the Democrats their 60th vote, the threshold needed to overcome filibusters on controversial legislation.  ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ is concerned that this additional vote will bring Democrats closer to passing the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) and possibly partisan health care reform legislation.  While it appears Kirk will support EFCA as Sen. Kennedy did, there are at least two Senate Democrats who remain opposed to supporting cloture on the EFCA bill.