
Health Care Negotiations Continue

Democratic leaders in both chambers continue to work out the final details of sweeping health care reform legislation before it can be brought for a vote.  The major sticking point remains the inclusion of a public option. It appears that the House will be able to pass a bill with the public option and the Senate is having trouble finding 60 senators to support it. The Senate bill must be fully merged with the two committee versions and then sent to the Congressional Budget Office for final cost analysis before it can be brought for a vote. On Monday the 1,500 page was released. The process of fully merging the bill and sending the bill to CBO could occur as early as this week. ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ remains concerned over employer mandates, the penalties for companies that cannot afford to provide health care, the uncertainties in coverage requirements, the affect on temporary and seasonal employees, the limitations on FSAs, HSAs and HRAs, and expanded COBRA mandates. Even with the CBO score of the Senate Finance bill, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ remains concerned that the exorbitant costs of the proposed plans will result in increased taxes on individuals and companies. ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ supports reform that increases coverage, choice and competition in the marketplace. The inclusion of a public plan in the legislation will likely drive private insurers out of the market and the projected savings from the proposed legislation may never materialize, resulting in further tax increases to make up the shortfall.