
Transportation Reauthorization Mired in Uncertainty, Contractor Survey May Support Increased Investment

With time running out on the 30-day extension on authorization for the highway and transit programs, it remains unclear if the House and Senate can agree on how to proceed. The Senate leadership is attempting to move quickly on an 18-month extension, but that effort has been blocked by Senator George Voinovich (R-Ohio) who believes that a six-year bill with increased funding levels is the best approach for transportation and for the economy. This reflects the position of House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Jim Oberstar (D-Minn.), who continues to press for enactment of a six-year measure. The impasse may lead to another short term authorization extension through a continuing resolution, which Congress must enact by October 31 to avoid a government shutdown. There have been some discussions between Congressional leadership and the administration about increasing highway and transit funding in an extension bill as a way to stimulate job growth. With unemployment continuing to increase, the administration is looking for ways to create jobs without taking up additional stimulus legislation. Since state DOTs have been largely successful in putting highway projects out to bid, increasing this funding is being considered. ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ and our Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) partners have surveyed our membership to the outlook for the highway market and jobs in an effort to demonstrate the need for a long-term, well-funded bill. If you have not submitted the survey please take a few minutes to do so by . This week the Congressional steel caucus wrote to the House and Senate leadership calling for passage of transportation reauthorization in an effort to preserve and create jobs.