
Five ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ Chapters Share in Energy Sector Partnership Grants

Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis on January 20 announced nearly $190 million in State Energy Sector Partnership (SESP) green jobs training grants. The grants are designed to teach workers the skills required in emerging industries, including energy efficiency and renewable energy. Only state workforce agencies were eligible to apply for these grants, but they were encouraged to partner with relevant local groups, including other trade associations, community groups, community colleges and union organizations. Of the 34 awards, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ Chapters in Hawaii, Iowa, Nebraska, Utah and Wyoming partnered with the lead state workforce agency and will have a role in implementing the training. ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ Chapters partnered in the following winning applications:       • The General Contractors Association of Hawaii is listed as a partner on the Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations’ successful application for $6 million to develop green industries in the state, provide incumbent workers with cutting-edge training in green skills and provide recruiting, training, placement and retention services to dislocated workers and veterans. Approximately 1,391 participants are expected to attain either certificates or licenses in green occupations.      • The Master Builders of Iowa is listed as a partner on the Iowa Workforce Development’s successful application for $6 million to develop a statewide plan that will focus on sustainable jobs in the energy sector, train both new and incumbent workers with portable skills, and prioritize energy sector jobs for the state.      • The Nebraska Building Chapter ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½, is listed as a partner on the Nebraska Department of Labor’s successful application for $4.9 million to develop and implement training and employment strategies in wind, biofuels and green sustainable building technologies. Following classroom instruction and project simulations, trainees will be placed into structured apprenticeship training programs with partner industries to develop on-the-job training skills and to ensure job placement. The partnership projects to recruit 950 persons from the ranks of the unemployed, veterans, at-risk youth and persons with a criminal record, with 867 entering training, and 737 participants completing training and earning certification.      • Th Associated General Contractors of Utah is listed as a partner on the Utah Department of Workforce Services’ successful application for $4.6 million to establish a comprehensive statewide approach to work force development for all renewable and energy efficiency sectors. The project will employ an energy core curriculum to prepare participants for careers in targeted green industries. The initiative will place 1,206 participants – drawn from dislocated workers, disadvantaged youth and veterans - in jobs, provide 700 participants with certificates in WorkKeys, yield 456 nationally recognized degrees or certificates, and place 225 participants in apprenticeship programs. A total of 955 participants will be placed in unsubsidized, training-related employment.      • The Wyoming Contractors Association is listed as a partner on the Wyoming Workforce Development Council’s successful application for $4.5 million to provide resources to eight local training projects that will train workers in energy efficient occupations. The projects will use mobile labs to provide training to individuals in remote or rural areas; will conduct outreach to disadvantaged populations to upgrade skills for work in the renewable electric power industry; and will focus on participant attainment of degrees or industry-recognized certificates in energy-efficient building; weatherization; energy management in heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning; and green construction. Approximately 1,041 participants – drawn from unemployed individuals, tribal members, individuals with a criminal record, veterans, at-risk youth, and dislocated workers -will be trained and placed in energy efficient occupations. The Wyoming Contractors Association’s McMurry Training Center will receive $361,930 to provide safety training for wind energy workers and training in recycling of concrete materials. Additionally, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ member BigSTEP is listed as a partner on the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development’s successful $6 million grant application to provide green skills training in construction, manufacturing, and smart grid utility occupations within the energy sector. Approximately 2,944 participants - veterans, dislocated workers impacted by auto industry restructuring, individuals who are currently employed in the targeted trades and in need of updated green skills training, recipients of public assistance, and other low-income individuals - will complete training and receive a certificate or degree. The grant awards range from approximately $2 million to $6 million each. They were made to State Workforce Investment Boards (SWIBs) in partnership with their state workforce agency, local workforce investment board or regional consortia of boards, and One Stop Career Center delivery systems. A news release with a summary of each grant is available online: A complete listing of each award winner, its partners, its project description and expected outcome, also is available online: