
Increased Attention on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

On Friday, April 23, Senate Majority Leader Reid (R-Nev.) announced that the Senate would soon turn to immigration reform and that he would be introducing a Democrat-only detailed proposal this week.   This action runs counter to the bipartisan negotiations that had been occurring between Senator Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Senator Graham (R-S.C.) to develop a product that could get the support from both sides of the aisle as well as from the business community.   As a result of the Reid announcement, the bipartisan negotiations have stalled.  ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ has seen a draft of the Democratic proposal and the document raises concerns on how it would affect the construction industry as well as business in general.  Of particular concern is the concept of making general contractors responsible and liable for the hiring practices of their subcontractors.  ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ will continue to remain in the discussions with both the Senate and the White House as things progress.