
Voters Proved Unpredictable in Tuesday's Elections

On Tuesday, voters in Arkansas, California, Georgia's 9th congressional district, Iowa, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, South Carolina and Virginia all went to the polls. The day was highlighted by several high profile Senate primaries as voters continue to be unpredictable and their support for "Washington insiders" dwindles. On June 22, voters return to the polls for runoffs in Mississippi, North Carolina and South Carolina. ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ compiled a recap of several races that could have consequences for the construction industry. Arkansas Voters in the Razorback state went back to the polls in a runoff election for the Democrat nomination to face Representative John Boozman (R) in November's Senate Election. The Democratic incumbent, Sen. Blanche Lincoln surprised many pundits in Arkansas and Washington by defeating Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter (D). Halter had the backing of labor organizations who contributed $10 million to defeat Lincoln. Lincoln was targeted because she was one of the only Democrats willing to oppose the Employee Free Choice Act and Card Check, and the election is a defeat for organized labor. Boozman has an 89 percent ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ vote record and Lincoln has a 70 percent record. California Former CEO of Hewlett Packard Carly Fiorina (R) won the Republican nomination and will face Senator Barbara Boxer (D). Boxer has a 40 percent ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ vote record and is the chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. The committee will play a large role in the development of climate change and transportation funding legislation. Boxer is in her 3rd term and will likely face the toughest election of her career. There were no surprises in the state's House primaries, but California did host one of the most prominent gubernatorial contests with Former E-Bay CEO Meg Whitman (R) earning the Republican nomination. She will face former governor and California Attorney General Jerry Brown (D) in November. Nevada In the home state of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D), the Republicans nominated former assemblywoman and tea party-supported candidate Sharron Angle (R) to face Reid in November. Despite the intra-party squabbles, Angle may be able to mount a serious challenge to Reid. During Reid's four terms, he has amassed a 44 percent ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ vote record. South Carolina South Carolina hosted a high profile primary election for the Republican nomination for governor. Forced into a runoff, voters will have to return to the polls on June 22 to choose between state legislator Nikki Haley (R) and Representative Gresham Barrett (R). Haley is the favorite. Representative Bob Inglis (R) faced an intra-party challenge and was also forced into a runoff in the 4th congressional district. Four incumbents have lost primaries so far this year. Georgia In the 9th congressional district voters went to the polls in a special election for the seat that was vacated early this year by Nathan Deal (R), who left to concentrate on his bid for governor. Former State Representative Tom Graves (R) defeated former State Senator Lee Hawkins. Graves will serve the remainder of Deal's term and will run for reelection in November.