
New Lead Paint Laws Bring High Costs

According to the Wall Street Journal, the government's new Lead Renovation, Repair, and Paint Program (covered by ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½'s ) could add a significant cost burden to the already weakened construction industry.  The cost of employee certification, as well as new equipment, clothing, and other safety materials could be a hefty expense for many small businesses.  These businesses will have a tough time justifying increased costs to property owners, who are already investing less in home renovations.  On the other hand, there is the possibility that increased awareness of the harmful effects of lead will increase business for renovation companies.  The Home Star Energy Retrofit Act, if passed by the Senate, would offer incentives to homeowners who make their homes more energy-efficient. Small businesses hope that the incentive to renovate, coupled with lead aweness, will encourage more renovation investment. For the complete article, please click .