
EPA Releases 2009 Annual Report for Clean Water SRF

This week, EPA released its cumulative annual report for the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund, which details many of the programs successes since its inception. According to the report, since the first project received financing in 1988, the program has provided over $74 billion in assistance for eligible wastewater infrastructure, nonpoint source and estuary projects. By the end of FY09, states had entered into almost 24,700 assistance agreements. The report goes on to describe FY09, where over $5.2 billion in assistance was delivered through 1,971 assistance agreements. Two-thirds of the agreements were with communities with populations below 3,500. Over 1,300 nonpoint source loans were funded with $167.5 million. For every dollar provided by the federal government to the fund, states contribute 20 cents. Together, federal and state governments have capitalized the fund with $32.4 billion, with an additional $4 billion appropriated by Congress through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Over the past 22 years, the 51 programs have been able to turn the $32.4 billion of federal and state capitalization into $73.6 billion in assistance for communities (not including ARRA). Responsible fiscal management and the revolving nature of the program have resulted in a remarkable return on federal investment. As of FY 09, for every federal dollar invested, $2.53 has been disbursed to eligible wastewater and nonpoint source projects across the country. ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ is working diligently to move the reauthorization of this highly successful program through Congress and will continue to fight for its capitalization. For more information, contact Scott Berry at (703) 837-5368 or