
Republican House Members Release “A Pledge to America”

With one eye toward the elections and the other toward the potential for a GOP-run House of Representatives, Republicans today released "A Pledge to America." The 48-page package is a response to interaction with voters and an overview on how a Republican Congress will tackle the biggest issues facing America today. The plan takes a philosophical approach, talking thematically about creating jobs, improving international competitiveness and controlling spending. It includes a pledge to repeal health care, make Congress more transparent and more responsive, and improve national security.  The package includes some ѻý priorities, such as reducing red tape and repealing mandates like the 1099 requirement. It talks about repealing the Obama Health Care Bill and replacing it with reforms, and extending the Bush tax cuts. While it is not clear how the pledge's federal spending freeze would impact important construction programs, it does a good job laying out the significant issues that the 112th Congress will have to face in the coming years.