
House Moves Toward FY 2011 Funding Cuts

The House Rules committee on Wednesday marked-up a resolution to “transition” non-security spending for FY 2011 to FY 2008 levels. Currently, the federal government is operating under a continuing resolution with funding at FY 2010 levels that expires March 4.  The resolution will be voted on by the entire House on January 26 and builds on the authority given to the Chairman of the House Budget Committee, Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), to set spending allocations for FY 2011.  The House Republican plan at this point only involves cutting the aggregate total spending down to FY 2008 levels.  Just how the cuts will be distributed remains to be seen and the full extent of those cuts on individual agencies and programs will not be known until Chairman Ryan gives the Appropriations Committee its FY 2011 spending allocation. ѻý will continue to monitor this process and its impact on federal construction dollars. For more information, contact Sean O’Neill at (202) 547-8892 or