
Legislation to End Project Labor Agreements on FY 2011 Federal Construction Projects Fails House Vote

Amendment to restrict imposition of PLAs on FY 2011 work narrowly defeated On February 19, the House considered an amendment to the Continuing Resolution by Representative Frank Guinta (R-N.H.) to prohibit the use of PLAs on federal projects for FY11. That amendment was narrowly defeated by a 210-210 tie vote. All Democrats held together in opposition to the amendment while 26 Republicans crossed party lines to vote against the amendment. ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ supported the Guinta amendment and worked in support of its passage. Other stand-alone bills to prohibit the use of government mandated project labor agreements (PLAs) on federal construction projects permanently are pending in the Congress. , sponsored by Senator Vitter (R-La.) and Representative John Sullivan (R-Okla.), was recently introduced in the Senate and House, respectively, and ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ is currently working to garner support for the legislation. To send a letter to your Senator or Representative in favor of Government Neutrality in Contracting Act, . For more information, please contact Marco Giamberardino at (703) 837-5325 or