
Division Highlights From Convention

The Building Division held 17 general sessions, committee meetings, and social events at the ѻý Annual Convention last month in Las Vegas, Nevada. Highlights include: First Convention Meeting of the Public/Private Industry Advisory Council (PIAC) The PIAC, comprised of appointed Building Contractors and public and private project owners, met for the first time at an ѻý Annual Convention.  This Council provides a direct line of communication between private and public owners and the ѻý of America.  Its primary mission is to promote dialogue with private and public owners involved in facility construction on issues including owner needs, market trends, industry best practices, and legislation.  PIAC members attended a reception, breakfast and a meeting, featuring two guest speakers. What in the World is IPDish?—Presented by the Project Delivery Forum This moderated panel discussion representing the perspectives of a contractor, architect, owner, and attorney debated the merits of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) as a delivery system vs. a philosophy (IPDish). Phoenix Rising—How Recent Economic Disruptions in the Owner Community Will Create Opportunity for Contractors—Presented by the Industry Liaison Committee This session introduced the audience to how the 2008 financial crisis, the 2009 economic crisis, and 2010 social crisis are creating both opportunities and challenges for contractors.  FMI’s Scott Winstead provided insight from FMI’s recently completed Owner and Contractor surveys and outlined key trends that will shape the construction market recovery. AIA A201 vs. ConsensusDOCS: A 10 Round Bout to Determine which is the Fairest Contract of Them All?—Presented by the ѻý Contract Documents Committee Which contract is a better fit for your next project?  ConsensusDOCS just released new 2011 editions of its prime agreements providing a fresh opportunity for you to weigh the new and the old contracts.  This entertaining and insightful “battle royal” put two heavyweights in standard construction contracts against one another...with ConsensusDOCS being victorious, based on a vote by the audience. Moving the Conversation Away from Price—Presented by the ѻý Construction Marketing Forum This panel of industry experts explored the issue of clients/owners hiring based on qualifications and not based on price.  Whether it is an RFP or RFQ it seems to only matter about the low number.  Owners flirt with quality and qualifications based selection, but always seem to divert back to that all mighty dollar.  Attendees heard about successes and failures and how they convinced clients based on their services and qualifications instead of price. Lean Construction Forum Two leaders of the ѻý Lean Construction Forum provided an overview of the Forum and its current and future activities, including a “sneak preview” of ѻý’s Lean Construction Curriculum currently under development. Building Contractors Division Session—Presented by the ѻý Building Division A two-hour session was held on March 24 featuring COAA Vice President Ted Argyle, who shared his perspective on the current building construction market, discussed the successful partnership between COAA and ѻý, shared why COAA and its owner members find ConsensusDOCS to be such an important industry initiative, and highlighted COAA’s initiatives in areas including Lean Construction and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD).  This session also included some important Building Division activities such as a “State of the Building Division” presentation, preview of the 2011 ѻý IPD and Lean Construction Building Conference, an overview of the Lean Construction Curriculum under development, and election of the 2011-12 Building Division chair and vice chair.