
Speaker Boehner Says House to Act on Transportation Reauthorization Bill This Year

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) announced today that the House will pass surface transportation reauthorization legislation before the end of 2011. In his statement Speaker Boehner said, “In the coming weeks, House Republicans will formally introduce an energy & infrastructure jobs bill, and hope to move the legislation through the House before the end of the year. House Republicans oppose wasteful ‘stimulus’ spending, and instead favor an approach that combines an expansion of American-made energy production with initiatives to repair and improve infrastructure and reform the way infrastructure money is spent.” In several public pronouncements over the past few weeks, Speaker Boehner has been linking transportation infrastructure investment with economic growth and the creation of jobs. In order to provide the revenue necessary for the Highway Trust Fund to support investment in highways and transit at or above current funding levels, the proposed legislation is expected to use funds generated by fees linked to new oil and gas exploration. For more information, please contact Brian Deery at (703) 837-5319 or