
FY2012 Funding for State Revolving Funds Finalized

A last minute legislative compromise to avert a government shutdown saw Democrats and Republicans come together on the nine outstanding appropriations bills. Among them is the Interior/Environment appropriations bill, which contains the funding for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) State Revolving Loan Funds (SRFs). The compromise would fund the Clean Water SRF at $1.469 billion, down from $1.525 billion in FY 2011. The bill also funds the Drinking Water SRF at $919 million, down from $965 million in FY 2011. This represents total cuts to the SRFs of slightly more than $100 million. While these cuts are certainly disappointing, they remain in stark contrast to the earlier version of the numbers the House was considering. As ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½Â , the House’s original funding numbers represented a cut to the SRFs of $967 million. These cuts, and the variance in funding numbers, are further evidence of the necessity for a stable long-term funding mechanism for water infrastructure to ensure certainty and predictability for municipalities and their contractor partners. For more information, contact Scott Berry at (703) 837-5321 or