
Interested in Lean? Join the ѻý Lean Construction Forum

The is an inclusive and collaborative community that is open to anyone with an interest in lean construction processes.  The Forum provides information on the latest Forum activities, lean-related articles, a searchable database of lean resources and a discussion tool that allows Forum members to share information and ask questions.  The Forum’s Education Subforum is leading the development of the .  A precursor to the LCEP, , was just released and the first two units of the LCEP, Variation in Production Systems and Pull in Production, will be available early this year.  The Events Subforum is focused on developing in-seat sessions at ѻý events such as the Annual Convention, as well as webinars.  The March 2012 Annual Convention includes a lean construction session and three lean-related webinars are planned this year.  The Website Subforum monitors to make sure it stays current and serves as a useful resource and tool. It costs nothing to join the Forum and ѻý members and non-members are welcome.  ѻý members can go to and login with their ѻý.org Username and Password.  By logging in, you are considered a member of the Forum.  If you do not have an ѻý.org Username and Password you can click “Register” and create a profile.  Joining the Forum keeps you informed about Forum activities, provides access to the Discussion Forum and Citation Database, and allows you to get involved. Please contact Mike Stark at with any questions.