
Senate and House Committee Action on Transportation Scheduled for Next Week

Work on an authorization bill for highway and transit funding continues in both the House and Senate.Ìý The current extension of the authorization expires on March 31. The authorization still faces many obstacles in both chambers, however, this is the closest Congress has come to passing a transportation bill since the current authorization (SAFETEA-LU) expired on Sep. 30, 2009. Multiple committees in both the House and Senate have jurisdiction over parts of the transportation legislation, and all of the committees need to pass their portion of the bill before it can be brought to the floor of its respective chamber.Ìý Below is a chart showing which committees have marked up and passed their portion of the bill through, and which committees have yet to act.

House Committees

Passed Committee

(Yes = X)

Transportation & Infrastructure Tentative Mark-up: 2/2/2012
Natural Resources
Rules Committee
Ways and Means

Senate Committees

Environment & Public Works




Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee Chairman Barbara Boxer (D-Cal) advised at a press briefing today that the Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, February 2 and finalize the revenue portion of MAP-21. She also said the Banking Committee, which is responsible for the transit title of the legislation, will also complete action next week, although neither of these mark-ups has been officially scheduled. ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ continues to work with both House and Senate leaders and staff as they work to move their bill through their respective committees and to the House and Senate floors.Ìý We have also kicked off our grassroots campaign, where we are asking ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ chapters and members to send letters to their Representatives and Senators; sign a petition calling for swift passage of a reauthorization bill; and meet with their legislators when they are home in their districts and states. For more information, please contact Brian Deery at (703) 837-5319 or or Sean O’Neill at (202) 547-8892 orÌý