
Construction Employment Hits Two-Year High in January But Industry's 17.7 Percent Unemployment Rate Remains Double Overall Rate

The construction industry added 21,000 jobs in January, as a second consecutive month of unseasonably mild winter weather helped the industry raise employment to a two-year high, according to an analysis of new federal employment data released today by ѻý.  Association officials cautioned that the gains remain fragile amid declining public sector investments in construction and infrastructure. “Although it’s great news that the industry has added 52,000 jobs in the past two months, the unemployment rate in construction is still double that of the overall economy, and construction employment remains at 1996 levels,” said Ken Simonson, ѻý’s chief economist. “It will take another month or two to see if the recent job growth reflects a sustained pickup or merely acceleration of homebuilding and highway projects that normally halt when the ground freezes in December and January.” To view the full press release, click .