
Work Zone Awareness Week- Georgia Branch ѻý Sponsors Safety Stand Down

ѻý annually participates in the National Work Zone Awareness Week to highlight the dangers to construction workers and motorists from not obeying speed limits and not being alert in highway construction work zones. This year’s National Work Zone Awareness Week is scheduled for April 22-28, 2012, with the theme “Don’t Barrel Through Work Zones.” ѻý will also participate in a National event in St. Louis, Missouri on April 23, 2012 to accentuate the message. ѻý has been featuring activities that many ѻý chapters undertake as part of Work Zone Awareness Week activities in their states. Another example is the Georgia Branch ѻý which is a sponsor of the Georgia Struck-By Alliance. This year’s effort by the Alliance focuses on texting and driving. As part of the effort, the Alliance is sponsoring a Safety Stand Down and bulletin boards around the state will ask the question, “R U In Texicated?” – Put Down the Phone. During the week, ѻý member firms in the state as well as other Struck-By Alliance member firms are encouraged to have a safety stand-down event during when work activities will stop and workers will be presented with a training session on work zone safety. The Alliance has prepared a tool box talk that includes a power point presentation highlighting the dangers to workers and motorists from texting while driving. You can view the tool box power point presentation at the Chapter’s website: . For more information, please contact Brian Deery at (703) 837-4319 or