
Obama Administration Makes $473 Million in Earmark Funding Available

The Obama Administration announced that it is making over $473 million in highway funds available for states to use immediately. The funds come from unspent earmarks that were included in the Department of Transportation’s appropriations legislation for fiscal years 2003-2006. The unused earmarked funds will go to the states originally designated to receive the funds. Every state except Wyoming has such unused funds. States must identify the projects they will fund by Oct. 1 and obligate them by Dec. 31. Any funds not obligated by the end of the year will be redistributed in FY 2013 to states that did meet the deadline. The Administration acted under authority granted in the specific appropriations bill which allows the Transportation Secretary to make the unused funds available for eligible surface transportation projects, including  highway, transit, passenger rail, or port projects. In making the announcement, President Obama offered that, by making use of these idle funds, the effort to create jobs is furthered.