
State Department Panel Calls for New Construction Funding After Benghazi Attacks

An independent review board commissioned by the Department of State (DOS) recently reported that, in light of the Benghazi attacks, DOS facility upgrades must be addressed with additional funding (access report by ). Among its recommendations, the board recommends that “the State Department work with Congress to restore the Capital Security Cost Sharing Program . . . to approximately $2.2 billion in fiscal year 2015, including an up to ten-year program addressing that need, prioritized for construction of new facilities in high risk, high threat areas.” Prior to the Christmas holiday, DOS Deputy Secretary Nides that “Secretary Clinton has charged my office with leading a task force that will ensure that all [the recommendations] are implemented quickly and completely.” ѻý will continue to educate members of Congress about the value of and need for secure federal facilities abroad. For more information, please contact Jimmy Christianson at 703-837-5325 or