
2013 National Work Zone Week – Participate in ѻý’s Work Zone Survey

ѻý annually participates in National Work Zone Awareness Week which is used as an opportunity to get media coverage to raise public awareness about the dangers for highway construction workers and motorists when road improvements are under way. This year’s National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) will take place April 15-19, 2013, with the theme “Work Zone Safety: We’re All In This Together.” While the number of fatalities, crashes and injuries have decreased in the past several years the problem still remains. NWZAW was conceptualized in 1999 as a way to recognize and focus on roadway work zone safety every April. A national event is scheduled for April 16, 2013, in Washington, D.C. to get the most media coverage possible. Many ѻý chapters cooperate with their state DOTs in promoting Work Zone safety and also planning local and state media events. ѻý of America serves on the Executive Committee planning the National event. Last year ѻý undertook a successful survey to get a better handle on the impact of vehicle crashes at ѻý member work sites. We are using the survey again this year to gauge how ѻý members are impacted by work zone incidents. Please take a few minutes to complete this brief survey today. ѻý will be releasing the survey results as part of Work Zone Awareness Week events. Survey link