
ѻý Members Participate in Newly Released SmartMarket Report on Green Schools

For the first time, ѻý members responded to a survey that gathered information for a market report on green schools. McGraw-Hill published “The New and Retrofit Green Schools SmartMarket Report” in March 2013. As a benefit of their participation, ѻý members can access the report for free by clicking on this link. The report found that green building is embraced by the education sector (K-12 and higher education). Green accounted for 45 percent of all new construction projects begun in this sector during 2012. For green retrofits, the report identified high percentages of schools that have done some green retrofits or improvements in the last three years—83 percent of K-12 and 85 percent of higher education retrofits. In fact, despite an overall decline in education, the report found that the total green building share in 2012 for this market almost doubled the 2008 share; and it is estimated to account for $16 billion. The report identifies EnergyStar and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) as the most widely used rating systems or green programs that schools are opting to use. For LEED, the education sector has used the following rating systems: Schools, New Construction and Existing Buildings. The report also provides information on incentives for green schools, financing and performance measures that include, among other measures, energy use, operating costs, enrollment and student health and performance. Read the report here. For additional information, contact ѻý’s Melinda Tomaino at (703) 837-5415 or