
Optimistic Prospects for Design-Build Reform Bill in 2014

TAKE ACTION: Urge Your Congressman to Cosponsor H.R. 2750 With ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ support, there is hope for movement of the , through Congress this year. H.R. 2750 would reasonably limit single-step design-build procurements and reasonably limit the number of second-step design-build finalists. Please, and urge your representative to cosponsor and support H.R. 2750. Rep. Sam Graves (R-Mo.) introduced H.R. 2750 shortly after on the need for this legislation addressing design-build reform in June 2013. H.R. 2750 would specifically prohibit single-step design-build procurements for projects above $750,000 and limit second-step design-build finalists to three to five teams. In December 2013, before the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee and noted that the association generally supports H.R. 2750. However, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ also noted that the $750,000 single-step design-build procurement threshold may be too low in certain situations, and some degree of flexibility was needed. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers agreed with ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ and whereby all design-build procurements will be two steps, unless the contracting officer receives approval for single-step design-build procurement through USACE Headquarters. H.R. 2750 is anticipated to move through Congress with the changes noted above. ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½, in coordinated efforts with other industry groups, will spend the next several months meeting with dozens of key lawmakers to continue to press for this reform. However, additional grassroots support is necessary to ensure its successful movement. Again, please, and urge your representative to cosponsor and support H.R. 2750. For more information, please see on this issue and bill. For more information, please contact Jimmy Christianson at 703-837-5325 orÌý