
Set Up Meetings with Your Reps – They Will be in Your District in 2 Weeks!

Report Meetings and Share Pictures at Your Senators and Representatives will be back working in your home districts April 14-25. It is the perfect opportunity to set up meetings to discuss the importance federal highway funding has on your company and your job. We need to flood Congressional offices with in-person meetings where you present a company hardhat with the Hardhats for Highways decal. We also encourage you and your employees to send telling them to take action. Your involvement is critical to the success of this campaign and getting Congress to fix the Highway Trust Fund. Does April not work for you?  Your Representatives will be home working in your district again May 12-16. Your Senators will be home during a district work period May 26-30. . Bring a hardhat with your company logo and affix a “Hardhats for Highways” decal listing the number of jobs in your company that will be affected if funding is cut off. While these are the best times to visit, don’t hesitate to set up appointments at other times and visit with their staff members. You can also bring the message to your Congressional delegation in Washington, D.C by participating in the . Get involved. To date, Hardhats for Highways has already distributed 12,500 hardhat decals to companies in the construction industry. More than 1,500 “e-Hardhat” letters have been sent to 261 different Congressional offices in 43 states. For more information, please contact Brynn Huneke at (703) 837-5376 or