
Major Newspapers Call for Gas Tax Increase- You Should Join the Chorus

Several National newspapers over the past few weeks have noted the recent decline in gasoline prices and suggested that now is the time to raise the federal gasoline tax to address transportation infrastructure needs. On October 19 and said raise the gas tax now while its painless and will not be noticed by commuters. The paper pointed out that since the gas tax was last increased in 1993, it has lost half its purchasing value.Ìý Ìý and the endorsing the increase. The Post said that Congress should take this action during the lame duck session following a the Midterm elections on November 4 and not wait until the current patch runs out in May. Several US Senators including Boxer (D-Cal), Corker (R-Tenn) and Carper (D-Del) have been making public statements calling for Congress to provide the revenue to address a long term transportation reauthorization in the lame duck. Your Senators and representatives need to hear from you today. Ìýand send an email calling for action on transportation in the lame duck session. Encourage your employees to also send an email message. Ìý Ìý