
National Construction Group and Local Volunteer Contractors are Rebuilding Looted Home of Decorated Army Combat Veteran

Construction charity organization ѻý Charities, Inc. is partnering with San Juan-based Desarrollos Metropolitanos and other local firms to rebuild the home of a partially wheelchair-bound army veteran whose house was looted, forcing him to live in a backyard shack.  As part of the charitable organization’s annual Operation Opening Doors effort, many construction firms are donating time, expertise and money to rebuild the home of Jose Quinonez.

“The least we can do is make sure this decorated combat veteran can enjoy some of the comforts of home many of us take for granted,” said Jim Clemens, chairman emeritus of Philadelphia, Pa.-based Clemens Construction Co. and the chairman of ѻý Charities. “Our goal is to use our skills to make life a little easier for Mr. Quinonez.”

Read the full release .