
Construction Employment Increases in 278 out of 358 Metro Areas Between February 2014 and 2015

Construction employment expanded in 278 metro areas, declined in 36 and was stagnant in 44 between February 2014 and February 2015, according to a new analysis of federal employment data released today by ѻý of America.  Association officials said the job gains come as private sector demand, particularly for multifamily housing, offset declining public sector investments, labor shortages and the challenges of a slowing global economy and declining oil prices.

“Construction firms continue to add new jobs at a pretty steady clip in most parts of the country,” said Ken Simonson, the association’s chief economist, noting that the share of metro areas with construction employment gains was the highest since 2006. “The question is whether declining oil prices, global economic challenges, labor shortages and Washington gridlock will undermine future job gains in the sector.”

Read the full release here.