
FAA Bill Stalls in the House

Talks of Extension Begin

Talk about passing a short-term extension of the Aviation Innovation Reform and Reauthorization (AIRR) Act swirled around Capitol Hill this week.  Although the Act passed out of committee in early February, the House has not made plans to consider the bill on the floor prior to its expiration on March 31. 

Additionally, Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune (R-S.D.) has been discussing the parameters of a Senate bill that he would like to have ready for Senate floor action as soon as April, making it unlikely that a multiyear reauthorization of the FAA will not be in place by March 31.  Thune said his committee will probably markup a bill in the next couple of weeks without the provision privatizing air traffic control that was included in the AIRR Act.

As Congress debates the FAA bill, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ continues to advocate for increasing funding and modernizing financing for airport infrastructure programs.  We urge our members to visit and to your representative and senator asking them to support increased funding and financing for airport infrastructure.

For more information, please contact Sean O’Neill at or (202) 547-8892.

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