
20 Days to Shutdown of Federal-Aid Highway & Transit Programs

Tell Congress & the President to Protect Construction Jobs!

The federal-aid highway and transit programs shut down in 20 days unless Congress and President Trump take action. Click and tell them to act before September 30 to avoid the potential loss of hundreds of thousands of construction jobs and the delay or cancellation of transportation projects!

The current federal highway and transit law – the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act – expires on September 30. If the law were to expire, tens of billions of dollars in federal funds would stop flowing to state and local highway, bridge, and transit projects. On top of this uncertainty, our industry is already facing the possibility of transportation construction investment cuts because of pandemic-related reductions in state and local revenues that fund these projects.

To prevent the shutdown of federal highway and transit programs, mitigate cuts to transportation construction investments, and spur the nation’s economic recovery, Congress and the Trump Administration must pass and enact legislation that includes a:

  • Growth-oriented and turn-key extension of the FAST Act for one year;
  • Backstop federal funding to state departments of transportation and public transit agencies; and
  • Provisions to ensure the solvency of the Highway Trust Fund.

Again, please click and tell your members of Congress and President Trump to act now.

For more information, contact Murphie Barrett at
