
Senate EPW Committee Holds First Infrastructure Hearing Under New Leadership

Carper Reiterates Memorial Day Goal for Committee Passage of Bill

On February 24, the Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works held its first infrastructure of the new Congress, titled “Building Back Better: Investing in Transportation while Addressing Climate Change, Improving Equity, and Fostering Economic Growth and Innovation.” The Committee’s new chairman, Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.), stated that now is the time to “get something done.” He also reiterated his previously stated goal of reporting a bill out of committee by no later than Memorial Day. The Committee’s new ranking member, Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), emphasized that the process must be bipartisan, and avoid a package full of “ideologically driven, one-size-fits all policies.” Witnesses included Governors Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) and Larry Hogan (R-MD), Denver Mayor Michael Hancock (D), and AASHTO President Victoria Sheehan who all testified on the importance of passing a long-term bill so states and localities can meet the needs of their communities and financially plan their transportation investments. ѻý will continue to advocate for the construction industry’s priorities in the surface transportation reauthorization process and strongly advocate that Congress pass a robust and long-term bill this year.

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