
Construction Employment In April Remains Below Pre-Pandemic Peak In 36 States And D.C. Despite Pickup From March Level In 26 Locations

Texas and Louisiana Have Worst Job Losses Since February 2020, While Utah and Idaho Top Gainers; Illinois and New Hampshire Add the Most in April, as Texas and Iowa Posts Biggest Monthly Losses

Construction employment in April remained below the pre-pandemic high set in February 2020 in 36 states and the District of Columbia, despite increases from March to April in 26 states, according to an analysis  by the Associated General Contractors of America of government employment data released today. Association officials said that the sector’s recovery was being undermined by increases in materials prices, delays in receiving key construction supplies and labor shortages.

“Today’s numbers show that construction has yet to fully recover from the effects of the pandemic in most parts of the country,” said Ken Simonson, the association’s chief economist. “Even where employment has topped pre-pandemic levels, the gains are likely due mainly to feverish homebuilding and remodeling, not to widespread resumption of nonresidential building and infrastructure projects.”

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