
CLRC Releases Report on Union Labor Costs in Construction

The  (CLRC) has released its annual report on Union Labor Costs in Construction. The report is useful for understanding current trends in collectively bargained compensation for union craft workers in the construction industry, providing data analyses by region and trade. It can be a valuable resource when preparing for collective bargaining negotiations, particularly when used in conjunction with CLRC’s latest Settlements Report.

The report shows 70 percent of the total package rates paid in 2022 and 2023 fell in the $45.01–$75.00 range, expectedly, in 2023 there was a higher percentage of total package rates in the upper end of the distribution and a lower percentage in the lower end, compared to 2022. The total package covers all negotiated employer payments, including wages, fringe benefits, and such additional payments as contributions to training and apprenticeship funds and industry advancement funds. The national average (which is the average of the craft averages) was $65.83, up from $63.58 in 2022.

Regionally, the largest average total package paid in 2023, $78.47, was in the Southwest Region, overtaking the Middle Atlantic which was the highest last year. The lowest average, $44.53, was again in the South Central Region. This $33.94, or 76 percent, range from the largest to the smallest region average rate is comparable to last year’s rage.

CLRC publishes Union Labor Costs in Construction each year following the close of the first quarter, and it publishes a Settlements Report following the close of each subsequent quarter. Union Labor Costs in Construction focuses on package rates paid over a period, while the Settlements Report focuses on package increases. The most recent reports are available to ѻý members in  under the main category “Collective Bargaining” and subcategory “Collective Bargaining Agreements Data.”  Be sure to log in as an ѻý member to gain full access.

ѻý is a founding and supporting member of CLRC. Collective bargaining chapters are reminded to please send new contract data directly to CLRC promptly upon settlement of collective bargaining negotiations. Chapters and members are also reminded that CLRC offers  on local matters at a discount to ѻý affiliates. This includes market share analysis, union/nonunion wage and fringe benefit comparisons, collective bargaining agreement language cost analysis, workforce/labor analysis and projections, and more.
