
Featured Story
August 26, 2024
  ѻý & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

ѻý News

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Association Weighs Legal Options In a further response to ѻý pressure to restrict the use and ultimately require the Small Business Administration (SBA) to revise its Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) “Loan Necessity Questionnaire” -- including the lawsuit that ѻý filed against SBA on December 8… Read More
January 4, 2021
ѻý Urges Quick Action on Infrastructure Funding and Protection from Meritless Lawsuits; Industry Survey Finds Widespread Pessimism about Volume of Projects Available to Bid on in 2021 Construction spending was a tale of two industries again in November, as soaring single-family construction… Read More
January 4, 2021
Forecast Provides Insight into How Contractors Expect the Coronavirus to Continue Impacting the Industry, Whether Demand Will Recover and If They Plan to Add Staff, Technology This Year On Thursday, January 7 at 12 p.m. EST, the Associated General Contractors of America and Sage will release its… Read More
January 4, 2021
Measure’s Modest Amount of Funding for Infrastructure Projects and Clarification that PPP Loans May Not be Taxed Will Help Offset Some of the Challenges Facing the Construction Industry ѻý of America’s chief executive officer, Stephen E. Sandherr, issued the… Read More
December 22, 2020
GBCA’s CLC has dedicated itself to help emerging construction professionals build relationships in the industry. The CLC’s Virtual Coffee Chats are putting leading construction executives and newer construction professionals into the (virtual) room together. With COVID-19 response mostly… Read More
December 21, 2020
New York and Vermont Record Worst February-November Losses, While Virginia Has Largest Pickup; California, Nevada Have Worst One-Month Job Losses, While Texas and Delaware Post Biggest Gains Construction employment in November remained below pre-pandemic levels in 35 states and the District… Read More
December 18, 2020
President-elect Joe Biden campaigned on reversing the Trump Administration’s regulatory reforms in the environmental arena and ramping up efforts to address climate change and environmental justice. Biden is currently working with his transition team to review potential nominees to head up the… Read More
December 17, 2020
ѻý has been tracking several regulatory actions relevant to construction that may be advanced in the last weeks of the Trump Administration. ѻý considers below what has recently been released and what remains to be completed, as well as, which actions may be vulnerable to change during a… Read More
December 17, 2020
On December 15, President-elect Joe Biden nominated former Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg to become the next Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). As one of the few candidates in the presidential field to introduce a full infrastructure plan, Buttigieg… Read More
December 17, 2020
ѻý Supports Employer Right to Maintain Safe, Drug-Free Workplaces On December 4, the House of Representatives passed the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act (H.R. 3884), which would remove marijuana from the federally controlled substances list and thereby leave… Read More
December 17, 2020