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August 26, 2024
  乌鸦传媒 & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation鈥檚 failure to invest in construction鈥 Read More

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By a vote of 78-19 the Senate last night approved legislation to extend several Federal programs until March 31, 2010, including Highway Trust Fund spending authority that expired on February 28, 2010. The House previously approved the bill and President Obama has signed it. The bill has been on鈥 Read More
March 4, 2010
In a week that saw the temporary shutdown of the Federal Highway Program and the president signing into law a 30-day extension of SAFETEA-LU, the House today passed by a vote of 217-201 an amended version of the Senate "jobs" bill, which among other things would extend SAFETEA-LU聽 through 2010 and鈥 Read More
March 4, 2010
Tom Foss, president of Griffith Company, Brea, Calif., presented 乌鸦传媒 testimony before the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee on the importance of transportation investments to the national economy and jobs. Foss emphasized that the construction industry, like other businesses,鈥 Read More
March 4, 2010
As President Obama and Democratic Leaders regroup from last week's White House summit on Health Care Reform, they have begun plotting a strategy and timeline for passage. It appears that the Democrats are considering moving the legislation at an accelerated pace, perhaps beginning as early as next鈥 Read More
March 4, 2010
This week at the AFL-CIO winter meeting, Vice President Biden told supporters that the so-called Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) could still be passed this year.聽聽 Though the challenge of pushing this legislation through the Senate became difficult with the election of Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.),鈥 Read More
March 4, 2010
In February, the Senate was unable to pass the nomination of Craig Becker to become a member of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).聽聽 Becker is the Associate General Counsel of the SEIU and the AFL-CIO and has been a prolific writer on the National Labor Relations Act, the law he would be鈥 Read More
March 4, 2010
The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee held a hearing on March 3, 2010, to review how well the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has succeeded in its implementation of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007 (WRDA). Some of the reforms in that legislation were designed to revise how U鈥 Read More
March 4, 2010
Today the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee approved legislation, S.2989, designed to address contract bundling. This topic has become an area of growing interest for 乌鸦传媒 members as the government is increasingly relying on this procurement method for the bidding of federal鈥 Read More
March 4, 2010
Using real-world examples, two leading construction attorneys will discuss many of the difference between ConsensusDOCS and AIA standard form construction contract documents.聽 Key issues that will be addressed include: Owner Financial Information Means and Methods Submittal Schedule Change Orders鈥 Read More
March 3, 2010
Meet the two veterans who 乌鸦传媒 Charities will help on March 16 in Orlando, Fla., as part of the first ever national Operation Opening Doors project. Watch the video here. WWII veteran Harding Cox and Korean War Veteran Nestor Ortiz need your help to make their homes accessible. To find out how you鈥 Read More
March 3, 2010