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August 26, 2024
  ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ News

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Register to attend the upcoming BIM Technology course at the Winter 2010 BIMForum - details below   The second course in the ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ Building Information Modeling (BIM) Education Program, Unit 2: BIM Technology, is now available. BIM Technology covers the common characteristics of BIM applications in… Read More
January 7, 2010
In his article "Can You Afford the Lowest Bid?," Specialty Contractor Council Chairman Jim Slack examines how accepting the lowest bid for a job can be quite costly.  He explains how both general contractors and subcontractors should take responsibility to ensure that the scope of work is compared… Read More
January 6, 2010
Construction spending fell 0.6% in November to a seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of $900 billion, down 13% from November 2008 and the lowest total in six years, the Census Bureau reported on Monday. Private nonresidential spending was flat for the month but down 21% compared to a year… Read More
January 5, 2010
The employment report that the Bureau of Labor Statistics released on December 4 contains tentative good news. The unemployment rate fell from 10.2 percent in October to 10 percent in November, seasonally adjusted. Job losses fell to 11,000, the lowest monthly decline since the recession began in… Read More
January 5, 2010
According to a news statement issued by the U.S. Department of Labor on December 21, 2009, the program that offers insurance premium reductions to certain employees that were involuntarily terminated and their dependents (collectively known as assistance eligible individuals or AEIs) has been… Read More
January 4, 2010
Construction employment declined in 324 out of 337 metropolitan areas over the past year as spending on construction projects dropped by over $137 billion in November to a 6-year low of $900 billion, according to ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½'s analysis of federal figures released Monday. Read the press release here. The… Read More
January 4, 2010
CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYMENT DECLINES IN 324 OUT OF 337 CITIES AS CONSTRUCTION SPENDING HITS 6-YEAR LOW, NEW NOVEMBER DATA SHOWS Construction Employment Down 36 Percent in El Centro, Calif., Up 12 Percent in Harrisburg, Pa., As Construction Spending Drops 13.2 Percent Compared to Last Year  Construction… Read More
January 4, 2010
A Bloomberg article states that "Tax-exempt bonds are an 'inefficient' way to subsidize state and local borrowing for infrastructure like roads and schools and cost the U.S. Treasury $26 billion a year, a congressional study says.  States and cities benefit more from Qualified School Construction… Read More
January 4, 2010
By a vote of 217-212 the House last week passed H.R. 2847, "Jobs for Main Street Act of 2010," legislation intended to stimulate job growth. Included in the bill are funds for various infrastructure investments. Funding includes: $27.5 billion for highways (freight and passenger rail and port… Read More
December 30, 2009
According to a Reed Construction Data article, a 4 to 5% commercial construction decline is expected to occur from August through next winter, particularly hitting the hotel industry. Though the retail sector is not expected to be hit hard again, there is only a 5% expected increase over the next… Read More
December 30, 2009