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August 26, 2024
  乌鸦传媒 & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation鈥檚 failure to invest in construction鈥 Read More

乌鸦传媒 News

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By a vote of 79-17 the Senate passed legislation to transfer $7 billion of general fund revenue to the Highway Trust Fund to provide enough revenue to ensure state transportation departments will continue receiving full reimbursements for federal-aid highway projects through September, the end of鈥 Read More
July 31, 2009
乌鸦传媒 released results of a survey that measured the impact of stimulus funds on construction companies' ability to expand payrolls.聽 The survey found that stimulus construction funds have had little impact to date on companies' ability to hire new employees, but has helped companies save existing鈥 Read More
July 31, 2009
This week, 乌鸦传媒 CEO Steve Sandherr contacted 27 federal agency heads concerning the pace that Recovery Act dollars are flowing through the agencies and in the form of contracts available for bid. With more than one million construction workers having lost their jobs over the past year, 乌鸦传媒 expressed鈥 Read More
July 31, 2009
Key senate staff has indicated that S. 1005, the Water Infrastructure Financing Act of 2009, could be up for a vote for the full Senate's consideration as early as next week. On Monday, July 27, 乌鸦传媒 sent a letter to Senators indicating its support for S. 1005.聽 Click here to view the letter. S.鈥 Read More
July 31, 2009
乌鸦传媒 Wednesday hosted a meeting of real estate and construction stakeholders to discuss the impacts of legislative and regulatory efforts to regulate U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from stationary and mobile sources on the industry.聽 The meeting is the second 乌鸦传媒 has convened with this group in鈥 Read More
July 31, 2009
The Administration announced Tuesday that David Michaels has been selected as the nominee for the Assistant Secretary of Labor for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.聽 This position requires a Senate confirmation, which has not yet been set. Michaels is an epidemiologist, research鈥 Read More
July 31, 2009
On July 29, the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010 passed the full Senate by a vote of 85-9 with six senators not voting. This bill contains the FY2010 funding for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as well as the Bureau of Reclamation. The next step is for the鈥 Read More
July 31, 2009
The theme for Fall BIMForum meeting, to be held on October 8-9, 2009 in Philadelphia, Pa., will be 鈥淏IM AS THE EVOLVING STANDARD OF CARE: Driving process transformation for designers, contractors and owners.鈥 The BIMForum Leadership is submitting this call for proposals to solicit ideas for鈥 Read More
July 31, 2009
Attending the 乌鸦传媒's 2009 Training & Development Conference (T&D) and HR Professionals Conference provides a unique opportunity for contractor and Chapter staff to participate in industry-focused sessions to learn innovative approaches to managing training and human capital.聽 For 2009, both鈥 Read More
July 31, 2009
On June 22, 乌鸦传媒 submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) written comments for consideration in the interim final regulation on federally-assisted projects. These projects would include building, highway and municipal and utility projects funded by the stimulus.聽 In addition, OMB that鈥 Read More
July 31, 2009