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August 26, 2024
  ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ News

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House and Senate conferees came to a formal agreement on the FY 2010 Congressional budget resolution yesterday after negotiating a number of contentious provisions. The agreement adopts the more favorable House projections on available budgetary baseline for the highway and transit programs. This… Read More
April 28, 2009
In a letter sent to Rep. Lynn Woolsey, Chairwoman of the House Subcommittee on Workforce Protections and Rep. Tom Price, the Subcommittee' Ranking Member, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ CEO Steve Sandherr made the point that construction jobs meet all the criteria of the loosely defined "green job," including: Improving the… Read More
April 28, 2009
The construction industry accounts for less than one percent of all U.S. green house gas emissions according to a new analysis of federal environmental data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½Â of America found that all equipment used by the construction industry contributed… Read More
April 27, 2009
How are owners and contractors addressing their needs in today's economy?  How can your firm maintain competitiveness in this market?  The ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ Building Contractors Conference to be held June 10-13, 2009 at The Homestead in Hot Springs, VA will bring together members of the ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ building construction… Read More
April 27, 2009
Do you have a conference, workshop or other type of educational learning event for which you need complete contract document samples?  ConsensusDOCS can help!  Not only does ConsensusDOCS provide free educational use samples of its entire catalog of standard contract documents, but we can also… Read More
April 26, 2009
Conferees are expected to meet on Monday to negotiate final compromises on the differences between the House and Senate versions of the Fiscal Year 2010 Congressional budget resolution. House and Senate consideration of the final measure is expected as early as Wednesday. The budget resolution sets… Read More
April 24, 2009
AASHTO today released its "Bottom Line" report which spells out highway and transit investment requirements over the next six years. The report says that by 2015, governments at all levels will need to more than double their spending on highways and bridges to keep up with increased traffic,… Read More
April 24, 2009
On April 22, 2009, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ CEO Steve Sandherr and ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ General Counsel Mike Kennedy met with senior acquisition officials at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to discuss ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ concerns with the Obama Administration’s Executive Order 13502, “Relating to the Use of Project Labor Agreements for… Read More
April 24, 2009
The U.S. Department of the Interior has published its complete project list which represents $750 million in Stimulus funds.  Projects include but are not limited to new buildings, to  HVAC upgrades, energy efficiency projects, wastewater systems, hiking trails, fencing, photovoltaic systems,… Read More
April 24, 2009
On April 16, 2009 the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) announced the recipients of its 2009 State Damage Prevention Grant Awards. The purpose of these grants is to establish comprehensive State programs designed to prevent damage to underground pipelines in States… Read More
April 24, 2009