
Featured Story
August 26, 2024
  ѻý & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

ѻý News

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Real (net of inflation) gross domestic product fell at a seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of 0.3% from the second quarter to the third quarter, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported on Thursday. Real gross private domestic investment in nonresidential structures rose 7.9% (SAAR), down from… Read More
November 1, 2008
The Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 was signed into law on October 3 as part of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act financial-market rescue legislation.  The Act amends the Employee Retirement Income Security Act and the Public Health… Read More
October 31, 2008
The complete program of articles and PowerPoint slides from the highly successful ABA Forum on the Construction Industry Conference are now available here.  The ABA program focused on ConsensusDOCS contracts and garnered a record-setting attendance.  More than 500 top construction attorneys and… Read More
October 31, 2008
ѻý has made it easier for Chapters and members to determine if a Boys & Girls Club in their community is looking for Build Up! kits by creating an interactive map on our web site. Potential sponsors can simply click on their state to find out which communities have requested kits, and how… Read More
October 31, 2008
ѻý recently introduced new affinity programs with the Family Business Institute and BP to offer services and discounts to members. Family Business Institute Under an exclusive agreement with The Family Business Institute (FBI), experts in family-owned and closely-held businesses, ѻý member… Read More
October 31, 2008
The freezing of credit markets, combined with sharply reduced expectations for the economy, are drastically lowering the number of construction starts. At the same time, the slowing world economy, along with a rebound in the value of the dollar against some currencies, has driven down many… Read More
October 31, 2008
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on October 23 released a supplemental final rule on “no-match letters,” which was published in the October 28 issue of the Federal Register.  The supplemental final rule reaffirms the content of a final rule issued in August 2007, provides additional… Read More
October 31, 2008
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on October 23 released a supplemental final rule on “no-match letters.” The supplemental final rule was published in the October 28 issue of the Federal Register. The supplemental final rule reaffirms the content of a final rule issued in August 2007,… Read More
October 31, 2008
Construction equipment is being targeted as a major contributor of air pollution.  All ѻý Chapters and members are encouraged to participate in a free webinar on December 3 to learn about clean diesel technology, regulations and requirements facing today’s construction industry.  Register online… Read More
October 31, 2008
The ѻý Building Contractors Conference (formerly called the ѻý Building Division Meeting) is scheduled for January 7-10, 2009 at the La Quinta Resort & Club in La Quinta, CA (  In addition to presentations and discussions on topics such as Integrated Project Delivery… Read More
October 30, 2008